Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Monday urged the police department to work out a policing plan which must ensure public safety and its foremost principle should be confidence building of the people of the province in police and they must feel secure in presence of the policemen. He was presiding over Provincial Public Safety & Police Compliant Commission meeting here at CM House. The IG Police presented a draft policing plan and briefed the members and provided them its copies so that they study it and give their input. The Annual policing plan for 2019-20 intends to build upon the successes achieved and consolidate the initiatives taken during last year to promote professional policing in Sindh.
In the plan, a comprehensive and critical approach has been adopted to highlight ground realities that can actually help policy makers understand the real problems and thus contributing towards the up-gradation of the institution. It aims to review why different departments of Police have not brought desired results. It also identifies both operational as well as administrative targets to be achieved during the year and mechanism to secure the set targets while making optimum use of available financial and other resources. The plan has been drawn to reset, review and revise the goals, objectives and targets to meet future challenges. The first part comprises of an assessment of the preceding year while the second part comprises of objectives of the policing, critical analysis of the financial resources available to the Sindh Police and in the end goals/targets set for the year are elaborated.