Standing Committee on Information and Broadcasting expressing concern on the non-payment of salaries and retrenchment by certain media houses without prior notice, has directed the PEMRA and Implementation Tribunal for Newspaper Employees (ITNE) to ensure payment of salaries of electronic and print media workers and discharge of contractual obligations by their employers.
The Committee in that regard appointed a sub-Committee under the convenorship of Syed Amin-ul-Haque, MNA to discuss and suggest current state of payment of salaries/outstanding dues and to suggest measures for ensuring rights of the media workers.
The Committee met at PEMRA Headquarters, Islamabad this morning under the chairmanship of Mr. Pullain Baloch, MNA to discuss agenda related to PTV, PEMRA, Payment of Salaries of media workers and payments of pending salaries and other liabilities of employees of Shalimar Recording and Broadcast company.
The Committee while discussing the issues related to payment of salaries to media workers opined that the committee would not spare any effort to ensure payment of salaries and clearance of their outstanding dues. Commending the efforts of PEMRA and ITNE for pursuing clearance of salaries, the committee further suggested for bringing stringent regulations in the relevant Acts of Parliament for upholding the rights of media workers.
The Committee also directed for early appointment of remaining Members of the PEMRA Board, Provincial Council of Complaints and a Member of the ITNE.
The Chairman and Director General (Operations) PEMRA briefed the committee about the working and performance of the Authority since its inception.
The Committee was apprised that PEMRA under the Act had been mandated to facilitate and regulate electronic media. The Director General apprised the Committee about the organizational structure of the Authority, composition of PEMRA Board and Council of Complaints.
He informed that ensuring timely payment of salaries to electronic media workers was entrusted to PEMRA through amendment in the Act of Parliament, 2023. He further informed that relevant clauses of the Act were also amended to strengthen the regulatory mechanism of the Authority. He informed about the pending and disposal of complaints in Council of Complaints.
The Committee suggested formulation of Code of Conduct for airing dramas and advertisements on TV Channels conforming the same with the social and religious norms. The Committee also directed PEMRA for strengthening its regulatory mechanism specially in small towns and rural areas to check the distribution of content permitted by the Authority on Cable networks.
While discussing the issues related to PTV, the committee sought details of salary packages of all the Anchors and panelists hired/on the payroll of PTV.